Want to get inside the head of people who invest in food concepts? In partnership with the Bainum Family Foundation, Kiko kicks off a special series all about the who, why and how of food investment. Today’s guests--Eric Kessler of Arabella Advisors, Leila Otis of the Bainum Family Foundation, and Celeste James who leads Kaiser Permanente’s Community Health Philanthrophy in the Mid-Atlantic region--help us understand the different types of food funding that exist in 2019, and give us a window into how funders make their decisions.
Want to get inside the head of people who invest in food concepts? In partnership with the Bainum Family Foundation, Kiko kicks off a special series all about the who, why and how of food investment. Today’s guests--Eric Kessler of Arabella Advisors, Leila Otis of the Bainum Family Foundation, and Celeste James who leads Kaiser Permanente’s Community Health Philanthrophy in the Mid-Atlantic region--help us understand the different types of food funding that exist in 2019, and give us a window into how funders make their decisions.